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Pakistani Rickshaws Will have WiFi Hotspots

Pakistani introduced new hi-tech look & technology and also with a lot of enhancements in variety of vectors.While WiFi hotspot and GPS (Global Positioning System) is the main feature of these rickshaws, are going to be other utility functions that will place these rickshaws as one of the most advanced and modern way of transportation.

These rickshaws will also eco-friendly . This will be a pollution free way of transport . These WiFi enabled, high-tech rickshaws extremely cool overlook rickshaws are going to bash on the roads next week . 
There are about 100 such WiFi enabled Rickshaws are going to hit the roads, and more will come at the end of this week.

Well ! .... the public excited as they will see these rickshaws on the road . But these tech-rickshaws will also cost more than ordinary rickshaws and the travelling rates will be also high. 


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