A Japanese Professor named Senji has revealed in his research that spotty bananas have such elements in it which help to fight cancer. The more brown spots a banana has, the more cancer-fighting properties it has, report states.
A study was carried out in Tokyo University, by Professor Senji proves that bananas not only boost the white blood cell count in the blood, but also inhibited the growth of cancer cells through inducing their bodies to produce a powerful substance called TNF.
When consumed, over-ripe bananas enable the body to produce a potent substance that is known to prevent and fight cancer. This natural miracle substance is known as the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF).
TNF is a protein with the ability to correspond with cells and regulate their cellular activities and coordinate their movement. This is why TNF actually inhibits the development of abnormal cells, i.e. cancerous cells.
The study also reveals that bananas contain a few antioxidants which destroy free radicals. Free radicals are those molecules that ravage through the blood stream causing the formation of cancerous cells. By destroying free radicals, the antioxidants in bananas are able to minimise free radical damage in the body and fight cancer in its early stages.