Learning the distance to this neutron star by its echoes bring up all sorts of new astrophysical riddles. The object in Circinus X-1 is clearly a neutron star: it has no event horizon (or the fuzzier equivalent), and unlike a black hole, it has a surface, but it’s also weirdly like a black hole.
It’s twice as far away as we thought it was, meaning it’s much brighter. That frequently pushes the system over the Eddington Limit, the threshold for being bright enough that radiation exerts more pressure outwards than gravity pulling gas and dust back in, a trait more common to black holes than neutron star and leading to unexpected flickering as the gas supply keeps getting blown away.
It’s also building something we may as well call an accretion disc, sucking material from its companion star to feed its powerful jets.
"Light Echoes" Prove That This Neutron Star is Weirdly Like a Black Hole
Even more confusingly, the jets are ridiculously high energy with particles ejected at extreme velocities, hitting at least99.9% the speed of light. That’s blazingly fast even for a black hole, and unheard of for a neutron star.
Circinus X-1 produces a high-energy jet, yet lacks an event horizon. Image credit:NASA/CXC/Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison/S.Heintz et al./M.Weiss
We’re still learning about the jets: the star may produce a single, wide jet, or it may be producing pair of highly collimated jets that wobble as the star processes. It may have counter jets out the opposite pole, but the evidence isn’t entirely clear. And because of the crazy flickering produced by occasionally choking out its own gas supply by hovering so close to the Eddington Limit, absolutely nothing about the star is reliably stable. The particular burst that set off these intriguing echoes were first detected in late 2013, arriving over a three-month span.
We think Circinus X-1 is the youngest X-ray producing binary system, only becoming an X-ray source about 2,500 years ago. This makes pinpointing its three-dimensional location in space even more interesting since now we get to check out the aging process of neutron stars (and if its immaturity explains any of its unusual behaviour).