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7 stunning science facts that will put you in awe

7 stunning science facts that will put you in awe

From the outer-space to oceanic depths there is a world in science beside the everyday things we come across and some facts simply put us in awe. Pieced together are some of such stunning facts where some would baffle you others would simply make you go awww.

Breaking the Sound Barrier

Felix Baumgartner became the first skydiver to break the sound barrier in a freefall from the strateosphere (38,969 m) reaching a top speed of 1,357.6 km/h (843.6 mph). He reached supersonic speed at 33,446 m height and finally opened his parachute at 2,567m.

Work force on Ocean Floor

coralreef-factsCoral reefs not only decorate the ocean floors but support approximately 25% of marine life but these reefs only make up to less than 1% of the ocean floor. Rest is covered by various other elements and marine species. coral reefs have been around for millions of years, the reefs we see today is an evolution of past 5,000 to 10,000 years.

Guest Star gave us the Crab Nebula

Crab Nebula is one of the brightest Nebulas found, that first appeared in 1054 and was 4 time brighter than Venus but what really caused this Nebula? Well as the Chinese named it a “Guest Star” exploded into a supernova leaving us with this phenomenal nebula. The Crab Nebula has baffled scientist till date by sustaining at a much pulsar and combined mass than science can explain.

Golf and Javelin are the Moon Sports

alan-mitchell-played-golf-and-javelin-on-moonAs absurd it may sound Gold and Javelin are the first and only two sports played on the surface of moon. Alan Shepard became the first person to take a golf shot on moon using his custom made from a collapsible scoop handle. Alan’s co-astronomer Edgar Mitchell was the first person to throw a javelin on the surface of the moon and this was more than 40 years ago during the Apollo 14 moon landing.

Two Tennis Courts can make a Micronation

Well it’s true, Principality of Sealand is a Micronation off the cost of England that stands on a platform not more than the size of two tennis courts. It has a flag, anthem, currency, football team and a 50 plus population. Declared in 1967 this unrecognized Micronation has probably the highest percapita income in the world i.e US$ 22,200. 
Mimicry is a human instinct


Surprised? well it is indeed an instinct that triggers at a subconscious level when we see someone’s expression, research studies proved.  The study flashed expressive faces to participants for 30 milliseconds, and even without realizing the specific expression, participants mimicked the expression. We owe this to the “mirror neurons” that trigger an action on subconscious level as we observe it. Facial expressions, postures and elements of speech are mimicked without realization.

Titan (a Saturn moon) is the only other solar system neighbor with liquid lakes

Saturns-Titan-moon-with-lakesYes we have a planet that appears to be Earth-like but Saturn’s moon Titan is the only other other body in our solar system that has liquid lakes and sea but not of water. These lakes and seas are filled with liquid hydrocarbons: methane, ethan and the likes. How is it possible? they don’t freeze on the surface temperature that averages around minus 180 degree Celsius. The largest lake is around 50km across.


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