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Five tips to look better in photos

Five tips to look better in photos

Beware lighting
Restaurants are not always the ideal setting for group shot. Overhead lighting (like the kind in most rooms) adds to the appearance of uneven skin and under-eye circles. For better results, point your face toward the light source in your photo. Better yet, head outside around sunset for some natural lighting.
Take a leaf out of celebs’ book
For a classic, no-fail pose, turn your body three quarters of the way toward the camera, with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the photographer. When you face the camera head on, your body tends to look wider. This pose ensures the camera catches you at your best angle.
Present your best face
When it comes to makeup, it’s best to tread lightly especially with foundation. A face masked in any kind of monotone base will look flat and pasty in photos. For a more natural look use concealer only on red spots, imperfections, and shadowy areas.
Show your left side
According to a study, he left side of the human face is generally more appealing to others than the right side. For the study, participants were asked to rate photos of 10 male and 10 female faces, in both their original and mirror image form. Photos showing the left side were rated more “pleasant” than those of the right sides.
Stay in line for a group photo
The ideal group shot will have people staggered on different levels and depths. If you can help it though, don’t be the person closest to the camera. That member of the group will always look more magnified than the others.

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