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AT&T just announced the first two cities to get 5G mobile data

We knew it was coming, but now it’s here — sorta. AT&T today announced it was starting its initial 5G rollout in two US cities later this year: Austin and Indianapolis.

The telecom is calling the high-speed network “5G Evolution” and touts initial top speeds of up to 400 Mbps — about 40 times faster than a standard cellular data connection. Evolution, in this sense, is well-chose descriptor. The network will have to improve and evolve to actually hit the 1 Gbps a true 5G network is theoretically capable of. AT&T reports that improvements to the network could see the company reach theoretical gigabit speeds by the end of the year. Don’t hold your breath.

We knew it was coming, but now it’s here — sorta. AT&T today announced it was starting its initial 5G rollout in two US cities later this year: Austin and Indianapolis.

The telecom is calling the high-speed network “5G Evolution” and touts initial top speeds of up to 400 Mbps — about 40 times faster than a standard cellular data connection. Evolution, in this sense, is well-chose descriptor. The network will have to improve and evolve to actually hit the 1 Gbps a true 5G network is theoretically capable of. AT&T reports that improvements to the network could see the company reach theoretical gigabit speeds by the end of the year. Don’t hold your breath.

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