Samsung has launched India’s first curved gaming monitor. Having a radius of 1800mm, the company says it provides a comfortable and an immersive gaming experience to gamers. The monitors supports features like 144 Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time and quantum dot technology.
Speaking on the launch, Mr. Puneet Sethi, Director, CE B2B Business, Samsung India Electronics said “Gamers are demanding an advanced display technologies in monitors in order to experience every nuance of a game. There is a need for better monitors for enhanced gaming experience in the country. At Samsung, we are committed to offer our customers the very best of features and technology. The launch of this curved gaming monitor is a step in that direction and I am sure that it will be a trend-setter in the gaming zone.”
LC24FG70 and LC27FG70 curved gaming monitors are said to be designed specifically for professional gamers. Samsung has combined advanced motion blur reduction technology with its VA panel, making it the first curved gaming monitor to produce a 1 ms moving picture response time (MPRT). The rapid MPRT rate reduces display transitions between moving and animated objects, and in turn eliminates potential visual distractions.
Both the models come integrated with AMD FreeSync Technology over HDMI functionality to synchronize the screen’s 144 Hz refresh rate with users’ AMD graphics cards. This connectivity minimizes image tearing, input latency and stutter.
Samsung curved monitor LC24FG70 & LC27FG70 will be available for Rs 35,000 and Rs 42,000 respectively.
Samsung curved monitor LC24FG70 & LC27FG70 will be available for Rs 35,000 and Rs 42,000 respectively.